Posts tagged inspirational
Brudders Becomes a Trusted Friend to Pasco Kids First

The four people you see next to Derek and I in the picture below are angels.  Absolute angels.  They make up the Trauma Therapy Team at an organization called Pasco Kids First in Pasco County, Florida.  PKF serves children and their non-offending family members impacted by all types of traumatic events, including sexual abuse, physical abuse, domestic violence, community violence, and other child welfare-related traumas.  PKF is also the only Sexual Abuse Treatment Program of Pasco and Hernando Counties.

You'd like to think they're not busy, but after Derek and I spent time with the team, we learned on average they bring in about 40 children a month.  That is stomach-turning.

They see and hear things you couldn't even imagine.  There has not been a day we spent there that didn't end in tears.  And this team spends every day of their lives trying to help bring innocent children out of horrifying circumstances.

You can get to know them more here.

When we developed the characters Brudders and Zeke, we did so with the intention for them to be there for kids in their moments of loneliness or need.  Through our stories, we wanted kids to know that no matter what they're going through, they will always have a forever friend watching over them, someone who understands their situation and is there to help them grow.

By having you as part of the Brudders Books family, and all of your tremendous support these last two years, you have directly helped us bring this forever friendship to children who need it the most.  We are blessed to have you, and we are excited to keep going.

Thank you for being our friends, and we wish you and your family a Merry Christmas & Happy Holiday season.
Love, K.A. & Derek

brudders books and kids in the classroom