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Starting Fresh - 6 Strategies to Help Preschoolers Build Friendships This School Year

Starting school can be a mix of excitement and anxiety for both children and parents. As the first school day approaches, one of the greatest challenges for young kids is making new friends. In this post, we’ll dive into how Brudders the bear’s friendship journey can be a great tool for easing your child’s transition into preschool and helping them build friendships. We’ll share tips and strategies inspired by Brudders the bear’s experiences, offering practical advice on supporting your little ones as they embark on a friendship-building adventure.

Strategies for Making Friends in Preschool:

#1 Practice Social Skills with Children in an Engaging and Memorable Way

Wouldn’t it be magical if we could snap our fingers and help our youngest kiddos master social skills? Fortunately, with great modeling and favorite characters, we can help preschoolers develop communication skills to learn how to interact with others, share, and recognize social cues.

Using Brudders books and incorporating Brudders as a puppet to act out scenarios, conflicts, or positive examples is a great way to guide children through emotional situations. Invite our Brudders stuffed bear along during moments of social challenge to help your kids practice interaction and feel even more love!

#2 Spotlight Individual Differences

Children have different interests and dispositions, which can make it challenging to find common ground. For instance, one child might love playing with play dough while another prefers playing with loud wooden blocks, which can make it challenging to work together.

In the story, Brudders Learns How to Make Friends, Brudders discovers that all the animals are very different indeed. The deer ran away and were startled by his loud shouts. The fish were frightened of his loud splash into the water. The bees were protective of their hive as their home. Once Brudders learned more about the forest friends and their needs, the path to friendship was much easier and more fulfilling.

Encourage children to share their interests and practice voicing their needs. This creates connections as they find their shared interests and even find ways to bond through their differences.

#3 Provide Opportunities for Unstructured Play

Allow time for play without structure so that children can explore and interact with peers on their own terms. As they encounter various play situations, children learn to navigate and manage their emotions and frustrations. Plus, they develop empathy by understanding and relating to the emotions and needs of other children.

This creative play time often results in preschoolers inventing their own games, scenarios, and stories, which stimulates imagination and self-expression. Children love playing with other children in this free play time and engaging with their silly and imaginative ideas, which then creates a friendship bond.

#4 Engage and Model Healthy Communication at Home

Brudders believed that he wasn’t liked after his attempt at making friends went awry. Zeke, the wise bird who is always watching over Brudders, taught Brudders that his method of communicating wasn’t fitting the needs of the other animals. Young children might struggle with expressing themselves or understanding others' feelings, which can make it difficult to connect with peers.

An important strategy to help guide preschoolers through better communication is to role-play scenarios or coach them by saying what they feel. Conversations about tone, respect, and kindness build up their communication muscles and set them up for success in future situations. Give them examples of ways to ask for what they need such as, “ May I please have a turn with that toy when you are done?” or “Will you please play blocks with me?”

Using simple and concise language, creating consistency and routines, and upholding a positive and patient environment help preschoolers develop better communication.

#5 Manage Separation Anxiety with Patience and Love

Being away from parents and adjusting to a new environment can make some children more hesitant to engage with others. Some heartwarming techniques to help combat anxiety include allowing the child to bring a photo of their family with them, a special shared item like a bracelet or a necklace, or a special shared phrase.

#6 Show Patience and Support

Making friends in the early years can be quite a process. Building friendships takes time and may involve some setbacks along the way. As parents and teachers, we can support their emotional needs with kindness and coaching, while encouraging them to be patient and consider how the other child is feeling too. The more empathy we can promote in the early years, the easier friendships will be down the road.

preschooler holds Brudders stuffed bear and the book Brudders learns How to Make friends.

From understanding their social needs to fostering skills that encourage interaction, we hope that the Brudders books provide you with relatable experiences and tips to help your child thrive in their new social world. In our other Brudders books, Brudders learns the simple pleasures of saying thank you and the magic of confidence. Grab our whole magical bundle of books, which includes our snuggly bear for even more social development in preschool and beyond.

Be on the lookout for our other posts about confidence and manners in the coming weeks!

Snuggle Brudders
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Brudders Learns How to Make Friends
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Celebrate National Literacy Month with Brudders® - Fun Ways to Boost Your Child's Love for Reading

September is National Literacy Month—a time to celebrate the joy and importance of reading! Literacy is a fundamental skill that plays a crucial role in a child's development, helping them grow academically, socially, and emotionally. Reading not only enhances language and cognitive skills but also opens doors to endless imagination and creativity. 

At Brudders® Books, we are dedicated to fostering a love of reading in children by creating stories that engage, inspire, and teach. In this blog post, we’ll explore why literacy matters and share some fun ways to celebrate National Literacy Month with your family using Brudders books!

Why Literacy Matters

The Power of Early Literacy

Early exposure to reading can significantly impact a child's development. Research shows that children who are read to from a young age develop stronger language skills, enhanced cognitive abilities, and a richer vocabulary. Reading helps stimulate a child’s imagination, encouraging them to think critically and creatively. Engaging with books from an early age sets the foundation for lifelong learning and curiosity, making it essential for parents and educators to introduce children to the wonders of reading as early as possible.  But most importantly, reading with a child as early in life as possible strengthens the parent-child bond.

Literacy & Confidence

Strong literacy skills are closely linked to a child’s self-esteem and confidence. As children become more proficient in reading, they gain the confidence to express themselves, participate in classroom discussions, and engage with peers. Reading stories that feature relatable characters and challenges also allows children to see themselves in different situations, helping them navigate their emotions and build resilience. With Brudders® Books, children not only develop essential literacy skills but also learn valuable life lessons that boost their self-confidence.

A Lifelong Skill

Literacy is not just about reading words on a page; it is a lifelong skill that influences academic success and future opportunities. Strong readers tend to perform better in school, leading to more positive educational outcomes and increased opportunities in adulthood. By fostering a love of reading early on, parents can help their children build a solid foundation for a successful and fulfilling life.

How to Celebrate National Literacy Month with Brudders® Books

Family storytime with Brudders Books

Create a Daily Reading Routine

One of the best ways to celebrate National Literacy Month is by establishing a daily reading routine with your child. If you’re new to Brudders® Books, we recommend starting with the Brudders Interactive Reading Bundle.  It includes the first two books in our series, great for any age, discussion cards, and the adorable Snuggle Brudders! (our soft and snuggly interactive reading plush)  

Consistent reading habits help reinforce the importance of literacy and encourage children to explore new worlds through stories. Set aside time each day—whether it's in the morning, before bed, or after dinner—for dedicated reading time. Choose a comfortable and cozy spot, and let your child select their favorite Brudders book to read together. The key is to make reading a fun and consistent part of your daily schedule.

Engage with Interactive Storytelling

A whole Discussion Question spread from Brudders Learns The Power of Confidence

Reading doesn’t have to be a passive activity. Make storytime more engaging by incorporating interactive elements! In our Brudders bundles, we offer question cards and other tools designed to make reading interactive and fun. As you read a story, pause to ask your child questions about the plot, characters, or illustrations. Encourage them to predict what might happen next or to share how they would feel if they were in the character’s shoes. This interactive approach keeps children engaged, improves comprehension, and allows them to connect more deeply with the story.

Enjoy Family Reading Time

Reading together as a family is a wonderful way to bond and create lasting memories. During National Literacy Month, make it a point to schedule family reading sessions where everyone participates. Take turns reading aloud, discuss the story afterward, and share your favorite parts. Reading as a family not only strengthens the bond between parents and children but also fosters a love of stories that can be passed down through generations. With Brudders Books, you have a variety of stories that appeal to different age groups, making it easy to choose a story that everyone will enjoy.


National Literacy Month is a great reminder of the vital role reading plays in a child's development and overall success. By incorporating fun and interactive reading practices, parents can help nurture a love of reading in their children that lasts a lifetime. Brudders Books is here to support you on this journey with engaging stories and tools designed to make reading a joyful and enriching experience. Celebrate this September by committing to daily reading, making storytime interactive, and bonding with your family over a good book. Happy reading!

Brudders Becomes a Trusted Friend to Pasco Kids First

The four people you see next to Derek and I in the picture below are angels.  Absolute angels.  They make up the Trauma Therapy Team at an organization called Pasco Kids First in Pasco County, Florida.  PKF serves children and their non-offending family members impacted by all types of traumatic events, including sexual abuse, physical abuse, domestic violence, community violence, and other child welfare-related traumas.  PKF is also the only Sexual Abuse Treatment Program of Pasco and Hernando Counties.

You'd like to think they're not busy, but after Derek and I spent time with the team, we learned on average they bring in about 40 children a month.  That is stomach-turning.

They see and hear things you couldn't even imagine.  There has not been a day we spent there that didn't end in tears.  And this team spends every day of their lives trying to help bring innocent children out of horrifying circumstances.

You can get to know them more here.

When we developed the characters Brudders and Zeke, we did so with the intention for them to be there for kids in their moments of loneliness or need.  Through our stories, we wanted kids to know that no matter what they're going through, they will always have a forever friend watching over them, someone who understands their situation and is there to help them grow.

By having you as part of the Brudders Books family, and all of your tremendous support these last two years, you have directly helped us bring this forever friendship to children who need it the most.  We are blessed to have you, and we are excited to keep going.

Thank you for being our friends, and we wish you and your family a Merry Christmas & Happy Holiday season.
Love, K.A. & Derek

brudders books and kids in the classroom
54 West Magazine Shares Brudders' Startup Story

We are SO honored that 54 West Magazine chose to feature us and share our Brudders Books beginnings for their November cover story. It was an amazing interview where we shared how the two of us came together from opposite coasts of the country, how we each had totally separate lives and careers, but the one piece that was missing for each of us was what the other one held. We just didn’t know it at the time.

It's a Brudders® Birthday Celebration!

Today, October 1st, 2021, we celebrate our first year of Brudders’ Books being published! We cannot believe an entire year went by this fast, and every step of the way, we are so grateful for each and every one of you.

From our first 100 customers, to the next 1,000, and to every single one of you we’ve met along the way, THANK YOU!

Check out below just some of the many heartfelt moments we’ve had along the way.

We’re celebrating LIVE tonight on our Facebook and Instagram pages where we have tons of fun family-friendly events planned. Make sure to download your free Brudders® Birthday printables below!

brudders' 1st birthday (4).jpg

Download Free Brudders® Birthday Printables Here!


Brudders Birthday Book + Greeting Card Special

THIS WEEKEND ONLY, for every Brudders book you purchase, we’ll include a FREE Brudders birthday card! It’s the perfect way to complete a gift for that very special friend.

childrens book about making friends Brudders Learns How to Make Friends
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Brudders Learns How to Make Friends
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Why Teachers Love Using Brudders® In the Classroom

Back-to-School is officially here! And one topic that is always on children’s minds is how to make new friends.

First grade teacher from Florida, Ms. Condie, came across Brudders last school year and has used the book in her classroom ever since. “I love using Brudders in my classroom! The book has become an invaluable piece of curriculum for my first grade students. It’s a great tool to share at the start of a school year or when welcoming a new student to the class.”

Ms. Condie further explains why she loves using Brudders in the classroom, This book teaches the importance of individuality and respect for others. Brudders emphasizes the values of a good citizen and friend.

“My students also love the activities and coloring pages that are provided by the Brudders team. The activities focus on story themes, reading comprehension, and language FUNdamentals. The activities add a bit of fun while learning. A student even asked if the class could do the Brudders NASA coloring page on the day of a rocket launch! I can’t wait to welcome my next class this year and introduce them to Brudders and all this little bear has to offer!”

Kara Condie.JPG

-Ms. Condie, 1st Grade Teacher, St. Cecilia Interparochial


Now you can bring Brudders into to your favorite classrooms!

Tampa Bay Parenting Magazine Interviews Brudders the Bear for His Best Tips on Making New Friends
TB Parenting Feature.jpg

Back-to-School Edition

From questions to ask to important points to remember, Brudders shares his top tips on making new friends, what makes a good friend special, and what to do when things get difficult.

Brudders Learns How to Make Friends combines heartwarming lessons of friendship, good manners, responsibility, and faith with a cuddly and simply unforgettable teddy bear.
— Julie T., Tampa Bay Parenting Magazine

Best Back-to-School Book

Brudders teaches a beautiful lesson of understanding, patience, and self-awareness, on an exciting adventure in the woods with the most curious and innocent little bear.

childrens book about making friends Brudders Learns How to Make Friends
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Brudders Learns How to Make Friends
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Did you know?

We have lots of fun, free, and educational activities that go along with your Brudders book.


Watercolor Speedpaint with Brudders® illustrator, Derek Roberts
Certainly one of the best books for children creatively. Terrific messages and writing. Of course, top notch artwork any will appreciate and enjoy.
— John D. (brudders customer)

Get your SIGNED copies from Brudders® illustrator Derek today with FREE and fast shipping in the USA!

childrens book about making friends Brudders Learns How to Make Friends
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Brudders Learns How to Make Friends
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How Two Tampa Female Small Business Owners Joined Forces To Grow & Give Back

Women empowering women to lift each other up so we can all rise together.  That’s the sole mission of KNOW, a global community of high impact female leaders, and what brought two new Tampa, FL small business owners together.  

Tampa small business owners, K.A. Leigh (Brudders’ Books) and Johanna Sanchez (Local Mom Box) join forces for a May business collaboration.

Tampa small business owners, K.A. Leigh (Brudders’ Books) and Johanna Sanchez (Local Mom Box) join forces for a May business collaboration.


Kristin and Johanna first met each other through a KNOW Zoom call this past January in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.  

Kristin, whose pen name is K.A. Leigh, had just launched her new children’s book series, Brudders’ Books.  Johanna, a former elementary school teacher and mother of three, had just launched her Tampa-based kids’ subscription box service, called Local Mom Box.   

While they were listening to each other speak on a Zoom call one evening, Kristin and Johanna realized they shared more than just common ground.  They shared similar missions, and for similar target markets.

brudders books and local mom box

Kristin had created Brudders the bear and his adventure series with a mission to give kids a forever friend to lean on as they grew through various challenges in life.  

Johanna created the Local Mom Box to make mom life easier, by curating kid-friendly crafts and activities that simultaneously support local businesses.  

The customer base of Kristin and Johanna’s businesses couldn’t be more aligned.  

Kristin loved how the Local Mom Box was filled with crafts and STEM activities to improve children’s sensory and motor skills in a fun and engaging way.

Johanna loved how relatable and sweet Brudders the bear was, and with the Brudders® book theme of emotional intelligence, he’d be the perfect character to introduce to her customers.

Johanna’s Local Mom Box for the month of May

Johanna’s Local Mom Box for the month of May

“Johanna, being a former elementary teacher for so long, knows exactly what parents and children need in these critical development years,” explains Kristin.  “So she makes it easy for the parents.  Different activities for all, planned and prepped for the month!  And our little Brudders bear fits in perfectly!”

“Local Mom Box gives children and their parents something to look forward to, and it’s something that’s fun, engaging, and educational all at once,” explains Johanna.

Equally important to their own new business’ growth, is simultaneously supporting the growth of their Tampa Bay community as well.  

Johanna’s Local Mom Box includes special deals and activities offered by local Tampa businesses that she knows families will love.  

Author, K.A. (Kristin) Leigh doing a Brudders storytime

Author, K.A. (Kristin) Leigh doing a Brudders storytime

Kristin intentionally took a grass-roots, ground-up approach to the launch of her Brudders® book series by starting in her own neighborhood.  “Like Johanna, my goal wasn’t to chase national level recognition right from the start,” says Kristin.  “That could take years. My real goal is to help kids who might be struggling right here and now, with a story that comes from my own heart.  So my top priority is getting out into our local communities to give kids that forever friend in Brudders, as quickly as possible.  So that’s what I do every weekend.” Kristin says with a smile.

“It’s the perfect scenario,” says Johanna, “We give parents quality content for their kids, which in turn brings these amazing local businesses the visibility that they deserve.”

Kristin and Johanna will be co-hosting a virtual PJ party read-aloud of Kristin’s book, Brudders Learns How to Make Friends, on Tuesday May 25th at 7pm. To join in on the fun, register through EventBrite here.

Join us for this fun bedtime read aloud event!  Register for free here at EventBrite

Join us for this fun bedtime read aloud event! Register for free here at EventBrite


To learn more about Brudders Books and Local Mom Box, follow them on social media @bruddersbooks and @localmombox.