Posts tagged DONATION
Brudders' Books Featured on ABC Action News!

Well this was a super exciting phone call to get! Sean Daly of ABC Action News wanted to do a story on us to talk about our adorable new Brudders® book series and how, in just two months of doing business, we’re giving back to our local Tampa Bay community by donating 100 books to kids in need this holiday season!

The clip and news story feature many of the beautiful watercolor illustrations from our new book, Brudders Learns How to Make Friends, and also talks about what our goals were as we developed and brought this new character, Brudders® the bear, into the world.

You can read the story and watch the clip here!

Sean from ABC pretty much nailed it when he quoted the book as being, “an old-school hardcover beauty, with page after page of pure charm.”

So many children’s books these days are done digitally on the computer, but we as Brudders’ creators wanted to bring something into the world that would last for generations. And there is no better person to create 44 pages of pure enchantment than illustrator, Derek Roberts.

Check out the story and let us know what you think! And friends, we have got SO much more to come!

Until then….Back into the woods we go!

-K.A. & Derek, Brudders’ Keepers