How to Encourage Kindness In Everyday Moments

Kindness doesn’t just happen; it’s nurtured. As parents and teachers, small, everyday moments can provide the perfect opportunity to teach kids about being kind.

Here are practical tips for helping kids aged 3 to 7 practice kindness daily.

1. Model Kindness:

Children mimic what they hear and see. Show kindness through your words and actions. Try to stay calm and collected if upset so kids can learn to do the same when something upsets them. Also, show kids how generosity and kindness towards others can make everyone, including yourself, feel so good!

2. Praise Kind Behavior:

Celebrate when your child shares or helps a friend. Use specific praise like, “I love how you shared your book with Sarah!” Help them remember the positive so those actions stay front and center in their minds.

Read Stories About Kindness:

Books like Brudders Learns How to Make Friends show children how small acts of kindness can make a big difference. These acts of kindness can make us feel happier, lighter on our feet, and more grateful for the moments we have to enjoy and learn from everyday.


Reading adventures with Brudders always demonstrate empathy and kindness


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