Read Aloud Tips From Brudders

Hey Mama and Papa bears. Want to read aloud more books with your kids but don't know where to start?⁠⠀We here at Brudders® Books have nine helpful tips for you!

When reading a book with your children, you can:⁠⠀
♥️ Let them hold the book and turn the pages.⁠⠀
♥️ Talk about different parts of the book such as the front, back, title page, first page, and last page.⁠⠀
♥️ Take your time reading. Do not rush.⁠⠀
♥️ Point to the words as you read. Help them to see that there are spaces between words, that you read from the top of the page to the bottom, and that you read from left to right.⁠⠀
♥️ Ask them to think about the story as you read it.⁠⠀
♥️ Point to the pictures and talk about them.⁠⠀
♥️ Read expressively: talk the way the story's characters would talk; make sound effects and funny faces; and vary the pitch of your voice throughout the story to make it more interesting.⁠⠀
♥️ Encourage them to ask questions about the story's characters and events.⁠⠀
♥️ Talk about the story and relate it to their personal experiences.⁠⠀
Adapted from: Beginning Reading Instruction: Practical Ideas for Parents. (1996). Texas Education Agency.⁠⁠⠀


”Brudders Learns How to Make Friends” was specifically developed for all sensory types of little learners. For auditory learners, the book is written to introduce age-appropriate vocabulary and has been proven to significantly increase retention via its rhyme. But additionally, for visual learners, the intricate and enchanting watercolor illustrations have been proven to portray the entire story on a standalone basis for children who aren’t quite ready to concentrate on the words just yet.

If you don’t yet have the book, you’ve got to check it out. Come join us in the woods today and buckle up for Brudders’ big adventure in learning what it takes to make new friends!



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