Attention Bexley Detectives!
Something’s gone missing, it’s Brudders’ magical stone! So put on your best thinking caps to help Brudders bring the stone home…..
Here’s what you need to do:
Read or print out the clue sheet below to take with you on your hunt. Solving the riddles will guide you on the correct path to Brudders’ magical stone.
The first child to locate the stone has the ability to unlock its special power. To unlock its power, you must send Brudders a picture of yourself holding the stone. Once verified, Brudders will tell you what the secret power on the back of the stone means, and then your child gets to put it into practice!
Whoever finds the stone and unlocks its power gets to keep it……as long as they’re putting its special power to use.
A Note to Parents:
The stone’s special power resembles a positive behavior. Our hope is that this scavenger hunt will empower your children to keep kindness at the top of their minds and do good for others, all through a fun and mentally stimulating outdoor activity.
By participating in the hunt, you’re acknowledging that it’s ok we share your child’s picture as the stone winner to the Bexley Facebook group and/or other Bexley resident communication so we can alert everyone to the good news that the stone has been found!
You and your child are participating in this scavenger hunt at your own risk. The stone will not be near lakes or in the woods where there’s no path.
How will you know it’s the Magical Stone? Trust us, you’ll know. :)
If you and your kids enjoy this, we have many more stones….. :p
Have fun!
Love your neighbors, Kristin & Derek (the Brudders® Books creators)
Happy Hunting!